Comparing methods of deploying Python applications

I had a cry last month about deploying a Python application to end-users being more fiddly and difficult than I expected it to be. I'm talking about py2exe, Freeze, and their ilk.

As a quick follow-up, I recently posted to comp.lang.python about a spreadsheet I've made, comparing comparing the solutions I've found thus far:

Each column represents a method of distributing a Python application to an end-user without them having to worry about what Python is or whether they have an appropriate version of it installed. 'Bundle' represents manually bundling an interpreter with your application. 'Bootstrap' represents a sort of fanciful vision of manually creating a compiled installer which downloads and installs an interpreter if required, before running your Python application on it. The other columns represent the various splendid projects like py2exe which perform the bundling process for you.

Each row represents a reason to choose between them. By my criteria, which are no doubt idiosyncratic, cx_freeze or maybe PyInstaller are starting to look like good contenders for future projects.

Obviously feedback about any wrong-headedness on my part is appreciated.